India electric car pioneer plans biggest plug-in car plant

Chetan Maini, the engineer who pioneered India’s first electric car, had his eureka moment two decades ago when he drove a vehicle fuelled by solar power across the blazing Australian outback.

Now Maini, the man behind Reva Electric Car Co., is building in southern India what he says will be the world’s biggest factory making battery-powered city commuter cars.

“It’s the first attempt at mass production of a green car,” said Maini, who studied hybrid electric technology at California’s Stanford University and developed the no-clutch, no-gears Reva as head of a 75-member engineering team.

“With growing climate change awareness, I think we’re at the tipping point for electric cars,” Maini told AFP in an interview.

The drive in 1990 which set Maini on his career track was a General Motors-sponsored solar-powered race in which his car finished third, beating many of the global car companies.

“Driving across the continent on the sun’s energy made me think how we could use alternative energy to power cars in the Indian context,” he said.

“When I saw how our cities were getting polluted, I realised employing clean, alternative energy could make a lot of sense — we needed to develop this kind of technology,” he said.

Maini has put some 3,000 of the zero-polluting three-door Revas on the roads in India and Britain — where it is known as the G-Wiz — in the eight years since the company started selling the cars.

Reva was formed in 1994 as a joint venture between the family-owned Maini Group and AEV of the United States to manufacture environment-friendly vehicles.

But it took seven years for the first Reva to go on sale as Maini and his team worked on the design.

Afterward, “we were in a test marketing phase, trying to see how people used electric cars, what were their needs. But that’s now over and we’re ready to move to the mass-market stage,” Maini said.

In September, Reva got a big endorsement when GM announced it would team up with the tiny car company to develop a plug-in version of the best-selling GM Spark mini-car as the US giant embraces electrically powered driving.

“We think their technology is the best,” said GM India president Karl Slym.

The Reva — named after Maini’s mother — can seat two adults and two children and cover 50 miles (80 kilometres) on a single charge of electricity. New models feature sleeker looks than the Reva, which resembles a modified golf-cart, and will offer greater distance.

The company’s next generation three-door, four-seater hatchback NXR is intended to be a family car and will go into production in 2010. It will have a top speed of 65 miles per hour and travel 100 miles on a single charge.

The car will go on sale for around 10,000 euros (15,000 dollars) and can be charged in 90 minutes.

The higher-end NXG will have a 125-mile range and an 80 mile per hour top speed and sell for 23,000 euros in Europe.

The price of the new vehicles is not fixed for India but the cars are expected to sell for “much less,” said Maini.

The Reva currently retails for around 350,000 rupees (7,500 dollars) and is built at a small factory outside the southern city of Bangalore.

Maini is targeting people who want a vehicle for city jaunts or as a second automobile.

The cost of running an electric car in India is a tenth of a petrol-fuelled car, Maini said. The car has no oil filters, spark plugs or radiators so maintenance costs are also low.

“Since we started, there’s been quite a big change in consumer mind-sets,” said Maini, whose love affair with cars began when he was a child assembling remote-controlled toy vehicles.

“We are also seeing a large policy shift by governments to environmentally friendly vehicles,” he added.

Maini is eyeing annual sales of “5,000 plus” for the next three years and then 30,000 annually from cars produced at his new Bangalore factory, which is being built with venture funding.

There is a large market as the infrastructure for electricity is widespread — even in India, he said.

“All you need is the installation of a standard plug point — 15 amps — that is used for an air conditioner or an iron. Most people only need a larger car if they are going out of town.”

The tie-up with GM is part of a three-pronged strategy for Reva which wants to make its own cars under the Reva brand, franchise production in countries such as the United States and license the company’s technology for use by global companies.

GM and Reva have promised the new electrically powered Spark mini-car will be on Indian roads in a year and they see a market later abroad.

Cambodia: ‘Telepathic’ Car Symbolises Auto Industry

The gold-coloured convertible turns heads on impoverished Cambodia’s roads — not least because of creator Nhean Phaloek’s outlandish claim that it can be operated telepathically.

“I just snap my fingers and the car’s door will open. Or I just think of opening the car’s door, and the door opens immediately,” says the 51-year-old as he proudly shows off the homemade car, named the Angkor 333-2010.

Onlookers gasp as he demonstrates the trick, and with the fibre-glass vehicle having cost him $5,000 and 19 months of labour he is in no mood to reveal the remote control system behind it.

But as with a handful of other Cambodians who make their own curious cars, he dreams the two-seater will help foster an automobile industry in the country, still poor after decades of conflict.

“I am very excited and proud of this car because many people admire me and keep asking me about how I can make it,” he says, adding that it reaches speeds of up to 100 kilometres (62 miles) 
per hour. Kong Pharith, a 48-year-old former maths and physics teacher who has also produced his own car, says an auto industry is about to blossom in Cambodia.

“Our works will be part of a motivating force for the next generation to access new inventions and show the world that Cambodia has an ability to do what you think we cannot,” he says.

The inventor, who first came to national attention in 2005 for building a solar-powered bicycle, thinks he has now hit on a truly unique product with his orange, jeep-like vehicle with solar panels on its roof. Kong Pharith says it took him four months to design and put the final polish on his “tribrid” car which operates on solar energy, electricity and gasoline, hitting speeds of up to 40 kilometres per hour with its 2,000 watt motor.

“I’m really happy about my achievement but not very satisfied with it yet,” he says, adding that Cambodia’s lack of modern technology and materials are a minor obstacle to efficient manufacturing. The dream of building cars in Cambodia may not be far-fetched. Officials have announced plans for South Korean automaker Hyundai to open a plant in southwestern Cambodia, assembling some 3,000 vehicles per year.

Cambodia did actually assemble cars in a factory during the 1960s, before the country was caught in the maelstrom of the Vietnam War.

The Angkor 333-2010 is the third he has built, and his first to talk. When Phaloek slams the door a voice out of the dashboard moans: “Why do you close me too strongly?”

“Dozens of local and foreign guests have come and seen my car,” Nhean Phaloek says with a smile. “One British man told me that it is the Cambodian James Bond car.”

Sebelum 2016 Indonesia Harus Memproduksi Automotif

Bila sampai 2016 Indonesia terus-menerus mendatangkan mobil hasil produksi prinsipal, maka diyakini negara ini akan selalu menajdi negara pengimpor, bukan pengekspor.

Demikian ditegaskan Presiden Direktur PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) Johnny Darmawan ketika ditemui di Jakarta belum lama ini.

Dia menuturkan, Indonesia harus bisa menjadi negara basisi produksi kendaraan bermotor bukan hanya sebagai importir. "Kalau sampai 2016 kita terus menerus impor, kita tidak akan pernah bisa ekspor," katanya yang juga bertindak sebagai Wakil Ketua Gabungan Industri Kendaraan Bermotor Indonesia (Gaikindo).

Untuk itulah ia mengharapkan situasi politik dan ekonomo dlama negeri terus membaik sehingga menumbuhkan kepercayaan para investor asing guna menanamkan modalnya di negara ini.

"Kita buat bagaimana para investor asing itu tertarik bangun pabrik kendaraan bermotor di Indonesia, supaya kita bisa produksi sendiri," ujarnya.

Setelah para investor itu masuk, maka Indonesia akan bisa menjadi basis produksi kendaraan bermotor bagi negara-negara lain. "Kalau sudah seperti itu kan tinggal tentukan negara tujuan ekspor, jadi jangan terus menerus jadi importir," tegas Johnny.

Wowwww.... Mobnas Arina Meluncur Tahun Depan, harga cuma 30 jut

Tak perlu menunggu lama lagi. Mobil nasional (mobnas) berharga murah dan hemat energi bakal segera meluncur di jalan dalam negerinya. Tadinya, pemerintah memperkirakan mobnas baru akan diluncurkan setidaknya tiga tahun ke depan. Ternyata, salah satu prototipe mobnas yakni Arina melalui produsennya, PT Wahana Cipta- bakal meramaikan pasar otomotif dalam negeri mulai pertengahan tahun depan.

Arina merupakan satu dari empat mobnas yang telah dibuat prototipenya saat ini. Ketiga yang lainnya adalah Gea, Tawon dan Komodo. Kepastian produksi Arina setelah, ada investor lokal yang bersedia mendanai mobnas ini.Setelah pembuatan prototipe, tahapan analisa pasar pun sudah mulai dilakukan produsen. "Saat ini sudah ada investor lokal, namanya belum bisa di sebut. Kami menyasar pada segmen pengendara motor yang ingin naik level ke mobil,”kata Direktur Teknik Pengembangan Teknologi PT Wahana Cipta Widya Aryadi, kemarin.

Masuknya investor lokal ini yang membuat Wahana Cipta yakin untuk mempercepat proses produksi Arina. Setelah memperkenalkan prototipe Arina selama ini, salah satunya melalui ajang Pameran Produksi Indonesia (PPI). Rencananya, Arina bakal dilego dengan harga sangat murah, hanya Rp 30 juta per unit. Dan pertengahan tahun depan Arena akan sudah masuk ke pasar komersil.

Selain itu, Wahana Cipta berencana memasarkan beberapa pilihan produk ke konsumen, antara lain Arina dengan kapasitas mesin 150 cc, 200 cc, dan 250 cc.

Pabrik produksi Arinan akan berlokasi di Kawasan Industri Terboyo Semarang (KITS) Jawa Tengah. Pabrik ini berkapasitas produksi sebesar 60 unit per hari atau sekitar 20.000 unit per tahun. Produk ini nantinya diluncurkan dalam dua spesifikasi yakni berpenumpang dua kursi duduk dan empat kursi duduk. Jenis mobil Arina masuk kelas hatchback dengan tingkat kandungan lokal di atas 90%.

Langkah memasuki proses produksi, Wahana Cipta tengah memproses pembentukan badan usaha baru PT Arena Motor. Sedangkan upaya mempermulus pemasaran, produsen memiliki komitmen jaringan atas bantuan Asosiasi Karoseri Indonesia (Askrindo). Telah ada empat daerah yang bakal menjadipenetrasi pasar. Yakni, Banten, Jakarta, Jawa Tengah, dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.

Selain itu, produsen menggunakan sistem franchise alias wara laba. Strategi ini pun sudah membuahkan hasil. Buktinya, 400 peminat telah terdaftar. "Ada beberapa mitra potensial untuk membangun jaringan antara lain, Bali, Kalimantan, Sumatera, dan Batam. Untuk franchise fee pusat perakitan baru, kira-kira butuh dana sekitar Rp 20 miliar diluar tanah dan bangunan,”jelasnya.

Produsen berharap dukungan pemerintah. Misalkan, terkait kebijakan keringanan pajak yang tertuang dalam Peraturan Pemerintah No 62 Tahun 2008 tentang insentif Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) untuk industri tertentu dan atau investasi di wilayah tertentu sebesar 30% selama enam tahun. Selain itu, meminta pemerintah lebih mengutamakan merek asli dalam negeri dalam perhitungan tingkat kandungan dalam negeri (TKDN) sebuah produk.

Selain itu, dukungan menyangkut hak kekayaan intelektual (HAKI). Produsen lokal berharap ada penghargaan pemerintah untuk merek lokal sehingga memicu kreativitas baru.“Jangan hanya lisensi asing, tapi harus bisa menghargai hasil pemikiran kita dengan hasil rancang bangun asli Indonesia,”pintanya.

Mobil Nasional Laris Manis, Arina Dipesan 400 Unit

Mobil nasional hasil kreasi siswa Universitas Negeri Semarang, Arina, makin diminati masyarakat Indonesia. Baru diluncurkan tahun ini, Arina sudah kebanjiran pesanan sebanyak 400 unit.

Mobil mungil berkapasitas mesin 150-250 cc tersebut rencananya diproduksi secara massal Mei-Juni 2010.

"Para pemesan datang dari Jateng, Kebumen, Jakarta, dan Batam. Mereka umumnya terdiri atas mahasiswa, profesional muda, serta wartawan," kata Direktur Pengembangan Pasar Arina Motor Development Pangesthi di Jakarta, Kamis (21/5/2009).

Menurut Pangesthi, para pemesan tertarik memiliki kendaraan jenis urban personal vehicle (UPV) tersebut karena performanya yang cukup mumpuni dengan kecepatan bisa mencapai 80 km per jam dan irit bahan bakar dengan perbandingan konsumsi 35 hingga 40 km per liter.

Guna memenuhi pesanan yang mulai ada, kata Pangesthi, pada Agustus 2009 akan diproduksi terbatas sebanyak 100 unit untuk kelas 150 cc, kemudian dilakukan uji perjalanan Semarang-Jakarta pada Agustus atau September 2009.

"Produksi massal tahap pertama difokuskan ke segmen pasar Pulau Jawa, kemudian baru meluas ke daerah lain yang ada permintaan," kata Pangesthi. Perusahaan, kata dia, telah menyiapkan dana lebih dari Rp100 miliar sebagai modal kerja.

Bus Perkasa memiliki tiga tipe mesin

PERKASA. Sebuah nama yang cukup bisa menggambarkan suatu kekuatan. Ya itulah chasis bus produksi PT Wahana Perkasa Auto Jaya, anak perusahaan grup Texmaco. Orang pun kemudian menyebutnya bus Perkasa.

Mengenal Tokoh-tokoh Pionir Mobnas Indonesia

1. Aburizal Bakrie, menggagas mobil "Beta 97 MPV"
2. Prof. Bambang Sudibya, penggagas mobnas SMK Indonesia

3. Bj Habibie, penggagas mobnas hidrogen

4. Tomy Suharto, Penggagas mobnas Timor

5. Rini Suwandi, mantan menteri penggagas mobnas Kanzen

6. Bambang Trihatmodjo, penggagas mobnas Bimantara

7. Marimutu Srinivasan, penggagas mobnas Perkasa

8.Masrah Marlip, Penggagas mobil listrik

9.Widya Aryadi, penggagas mobnas Arina

"Bangsa yang besar adalah bangsa yang menghormati jasa para pahlawannya"

Pof. Dr. Bambang Sudibyo: Bapak Mobnas SMK Indonesia

Di masa Bapak Prof. Dr. Bambang Sudibyo, SMK Indonesia bangkit menjadi pionir pembangunan dan penciptaan mobnas SMK yang diproduksi SMK-SMK terbaik di Indonesia

50 Cara anda bisa ikut bantu pembangunan mobnas

Apakah yang bisa dilakukan oleh rakyat seperti kita untuk bisa ikut serta membantu terwujudnya mobnas. Berikut ada beberapa saran:

1. Berusahalah untuk menjadi pembeli pertama mobnas
2. Selalu dorong dan ingatkan pemerintah untuk mewujudkan mobnas dengan tujuan menyediakan lapangan kerja bagi rakyat

3. Ingatkan selalu teman anda bahwa mobnas bukanlah hanya soal prestise tapi penguatan industri otomotif.
4. Beritahu semua orang bahwa dengan mengekspor mobnas bisa membantu menambah devisa negara.
5. Dorong pemda anda untuk ikut aktif mendukung mobnas dengan menajdi konsumen tetap.
6. Jadikan mobnas sebagai "the pride" di daerah anda.
7. Rangsang pemda-pemda anda untuk ikut memproduksi paling tidak satu bagian dari spare part mobnas
8. Ingatkan selalu pemda anda bahwa dengan ikut memproduksi bagian dari mobnas juga ikut mengurangkan pengangguran di daerah anda.
9. Bentuk klub pecinta mobnas di daerah anda
10.Katakan bahwa cinta kepada mobnas bukan berarti harus benci mobil asing, tapi saling melengkapi.
11.Ikutlah dalam lomba-lomba dsain mobnas
12. Selalu ikut aktif memberi sarang pembangunan mobnas
13. Kalau bisa ajak pemda anda untuk kreatif menciptakan mobil daerah (mobda) yang menjadi cikal bakal mobnas.
14. Support pendidikan (universitas, SMK) di daerah anda untuk aktif berpartisipasi dalam riset dan pengembangan mobnas
15. Buka bengkel-bengkel mobnas di sudut-sudut lingkungan anda
16. Dorong perusahaan "finance" untuk ikut memasarkan mobas
17. Bila anda pemilik atau bekerja di bank, dorong bank anda untuk ikut membiayai permodalan pabrik mobnas.
18. Bila anda ahli dibidang "perencanaan" bantu pihak terkait untuk membuat "road map" pabrikasi dan pemasaran mobnas yang menguntungkan dan efisein.
19. Dorong pemerintah agar memberi insentif bagi pengembangan mobas khususnya yang hybrid dan ramah lingkungan.
20. Bantu dalam perancangan teknologi agar mobnas bisa menjadi lebih murah dari mobil sekelasnya.
21. Bila anda pemilik toko onderdil, sediakan stan untuk memasarkan onderdil mobnas.
22. Buatlah brosur-brosur tentang keuntungan-keuntungan mempunyai proyek mobnas dan bagikan ke siapapun yang anda jumpa
23. Bila anda produsen mesin, rancanglah mesin yang paling efisien untuk mobnas, khas Indonesia
24. Bila anda mahasiswa teknik, tak salah untuk selalu berkreasi untuk mendesain mobnas untuk berbagai versi, SUV, sedan, truk dll
25. Bila anda tinggal di luar negeri, pakailah mobnas di sana
26. Cari tahu cara bagaimana menjadi dealer mobil nasional Indonesia di luar negeri.
27. Anjurkan warga Indonesia di luar negeri untuk menggunakan mobnas
28. Dorong perusahaan tempat anda kerja untuk menggunakan mobnas
29. Bila anda pengusaha jasa penyewaan mobil, sediakan mobnas sebagai salah satu pilihan
30. Katakan kepada anak-anak bahwa mengendarai mobnas itu merupakan sebuah kebanggaan bangsa
31. Jadikan mobnas bisa berkeliaran di desa-desa, mendukung pertanian dan angkutan massal
32. Berlomba-lombalah untuk menjadi dealer di daerah atau kecamatan anda.
33. Anjurkan instansi-instansi pemerintah biar berkenan menggunakan mobnas sebagai mobil operasional
34. Bantu desain mobnas untuk tipe luxury, jadi ada mobnas untuk rakyat ada juga untuk kalangan lux, atau bahkan mobil untuk lomba.
35. Bangun rally atau lomba kecepatan yang menggunakan mobnas.
36. Dorong pemerintah agar meniru cara Amerika, dimana GM yang bangkrut saja masih ditalangi milyaran dollar demi menyelamatkan lapangan kerja. Jangan hanya menalangi bank-bank bangkrut yang dirampok sendiri oleh pemilik banknya seperti "bank century" dan duitnya dibawa ke Singapura.
37. Jadikan keluarga anda sebagai pengguna salah satu tipe mobnas
38. Dorong organisasi, asosiasi anda untuk membeli mobnas
39. Ikut sertakan ATPM untuk ikut mendukung mobnas dan tidak perlu merasa tersaingi, kerjasama itu bahkan akan membentuk sisbiosis yang pro Indonesia.
40. Dorong perusahaan baja agar aktif menyediakan produk baja yang efisien.
41. Dorong perusahaan komputer made in Indonesia agar ikut mengembangkan software mobans, bisa diperlukan
42. Bila anda produsen film, jadikan mobnas dalam kendaraan-kendaran di film yang anda produksi.
43. Ikut sertalah merancang desain-desain futuristik mobnas
44. Jadikan mobnas menjadi kendaraan resmi kepresidenan, para pejabat lain pasti terketuk hatinya untuk menjadi konsumen mobnas.
45. Jadikan mobnas menjadi titik awal kebangkitan era industrialisasi di Indonesia yang nantinya merangsang terciptanya, kapal selam nasional, korvet nasional, pesawat angkutan nasional, pesawat tempur nasional yang semuanya buatan dalam negeri.
46. Bantu negara-negara tetangga yang membutuhkan untuk menciptakan mobnas sendiri dengan menalihkan teknologi kita ke mereka dengan privilege bagi bangsa Indonesia.
47. Setelah industri mobas dalam negeri mapan, segera ajak negara-negara di Afrika, Latin, Eropa, Amerika, Timur tengah untuk membat basis-basis produksi di sana.
48. Usahakan mempekerjakan tenaga kerja lokal di sana plus TKI sehingga mendorong mobilitas warga Indonesia di seluruh dunia.
49. Jangan bernah bosan-bosan untuk mengetuk hati pemerintah agar berkenan dan tak perlu takut membuat Indonesia menjadi sebuah negara yang maju dan makmur.
50. Berdoalah selalu agar tidak banyak aral melintang.
51. Anda bisa ikut membahkan cara-caranya...

Chinese cities offering incentives to buy locally-made hybrid cars

Maunya pemda-pemda di Indonesia juga harus aktif merangsang pembangunan mobnas dengan menawarkan diri jadi konsumen tetap. Alangkahnya indahnya Indonesia seperti ini, meniru gaya China.

The city of Shenzhen, China, where automaker BYD is located, has decided to give its citizens a boost to purchase the locally-made cars.

In addition to the nation-wide grants, which can be worth up to 50,000 yuan ($7,320) when buying a hybrid vehicle (60,000 yuan if the vehicle is all-electric), Shenzen is offering discounts up to 60 percent of the car's value. For a 149,800 yuan BYD F3 Dual Mode hybrids (when it becomes available to everybody next June), citizens will be able to get discounts of nearly 90,000 yuan.

A second city in China, Chongqing, is also offering incentives: 36,000 yuan in subsidies and an exemption in bridge tolls of 7,000 yuan when buying a locally-made Junjie (or Jiexun) hybrid MPV, which costs 140,000 yuan.


An Iranian automaker plans to produce a car named after Iran’s northern neighbor, Azerbaijan.

The Azerbaijan model is slated to hit roads next year, the Mehr news agency reported on November 18. An adviser to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the name is a nod to Iran’s northern neighbor, the Trend news agency reported on November 19.

The car will be produced by Iran Khodro, the Middle East’s largest passenger car manufacturer. The automaker produced Iran’s first domestic-made car, Samand.

Mobil Listrik ITS Tak Masalah Saat Hujan

Meski mengaku belum tampil sempurna, namun tim Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya menjamin mobil listrik yang mereka ciptakan tidak akan mengalami banyak gangguan.

"Mobil ini dijamin tidak akan mengalami banyak gangguan. Bahkan saat hujan juga tidak masalah," kata Prof Ir Soebagio, MSEE, PhD, ketua tim penelitian EV-ITS G1 (Elektronic Vehicle Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Generasi 1).

Namun ia mengakui masih banyak perubahan yang harus disempurnakan pada mobil listrik kerasi anak bangsa tersebut. "Kita masih tetap memakai gearbox seperti di mobil biasa sehingga membuat kerja motor tidak maksimal," tuturnya.

Pengembangan akan dilakukan pada inverter dan motor listrik yang akan mengurangi pemakaian jumlah baterai hingga menjadi tiga buah dan berat mobil menjadi berkurang.

Saat ini, dengan 40 buah baterai, mobil tersebut bobotnya mencapai 600 kg dan hanya bisa memuat dua orang. Untuk itu sedang dilakukan upaya meringkas baterai sampai tiga buah agar bisa memuat empat hingga enam penumpang.

Urusan waktu pengisian baterai juga jadi perhatian ITS. Untuk pengisian baterai diperlukan waktu sekitar enam jam. "Kita masih memakai cairan aki biasa sehingga waktu yang diperlukan lebih lama," ungkap Ir Dedid Cahya, MT, salah satu anggota tim yang bertanggung jawab untuk urusan sistem kontrol. Namun dia mengungkapkan, pada tahap akhir saat menjadi smart car mobil ini akan mampu mengisi energi sendiri.

Selain itu, sasis mobil yang dikeluarkan adalah produksi tahun 1972. "Kita nanti ingin menggunakan sasis mobil seperti Avanza agar ruang mesin bisa lebih luas. Ke depan saat motor sudah sempurna, produksi massal sasisnya bisa didesain sendiri," tegas Dedid.

2015, Mobil Listrik ITS Tampil Sempurna

Tim Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya menjamin tahun 2015, mobil listrik kreasi mereka EV-ITS G1 (Elektronic Vehicle Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Generasi 1) akan tampil lebih sempurna.

Demikian diungkapkan Ir Dedid Cahya,MT, salah satu anggota tim yang bertanggung jawab untuk urusan sistem kontrol mobil listrik ITS.

Bila untuk saat ini mobil listrik ITS EV-ITS G1 masih menggunakan 40 buah baterai berkekuatan 500 KV (kilovolt), sehingga bobot mobil mencapai 600 kg, maka sebagai tahap awal, pada tahun depan tim ITS akan menggunakan tiga buah baterai saja.

"Untuk tahun ketiga pada 2010, mobil ini diusahakan hanya menggunakan tiga baterai. Sehingga ruang kabin bisa lebih lega," katanya.

dengan penggunaan tiga buah baterai ini, kata dia, maka mobil listrik tersebut akan mampu diisi empat hingga enam penumpang. Bandingkan jika menggunakan 40 buah baterai, mobil hanya bisa diisi dua orang.

Selain itu desain sasis juga akan diperbaiki. "Kita nanti ingin menggunakan sasis mobil seperti Avanza agar ruang mesin bisa lebih luas," katanya.

Melalui sederet perubahan tersebut tim EV-ITS G1, katanya, yakin Pada 2015,jika tak ada hambatan mobil tersebut telah sempurna menjadi smart car.

Malaysian luxury car manufacturer BUFORI Motor Car Company (BMCC)

Malaysian luxury car manufacturer BUFORI Motor Car Company (BMCC) is extending its model range and will soon be launching a new generation of modern sportscars.

The BUFORI CS, which stands for “Compact Sports”, is a purist and powerful 2 door coupĂ©. Unlike previous generations of BUFORI motorcars, the BUFORI CS is intentionally modern-styled. Powered by a 2.0L turbo-charged engine, the sportscar will feature a lightweight composite body and offer the typical BUFORI craftsmanship, attention to detail and quality. The BUFORI CS is expected to be launched in Malaysia at the beginning of 2010 and more details will be revealed towards the end of the year.

The BUFORI CS is fully designed and developed by BMCC in Malaysia. It was recently decided that BUFORI wanted to have a race version of the car, in order to prove the vehicles capabilities and performance under extreme conditions and directly apply proven racing technology to the on going development of the road car.

This lead to the creation of the newly established BMS (BUFORI MOTOR SPORTS), which is the motorsport division of BUFORI. Through the collaboration with AXLE MOTORSPORT, a company dealing in high-tech motor racing development, BMS and AXLE MOTORSPORT jointly developed the BUFORI BMS R1 using a team of Formula One engineers, employing only the highest quality components and materials.

The BMS AXLE RACING team will take part in the upcoming 56th Macau Grand Prix (weekend of 19th November 2009) with the BUFORI BMS R1, the race edition of the all new BUFORI CS.

“After two years of hard work in designing and developing our new sports car, the BUFORI CS, we are very proud that a racing version of our car has been developed and will have its first public appearance at such a prestigious event as the Macau Grand Prix. We could not have wished for a better occasion. Our intention is to transfer the racing technology to the road version of the BUFORI CS and bring in all the qualities for which BUFORI is renowned” says Felix Haller, General Manager Marketing & Operations of BMCC.

“BMS AXLE have followed a very tight working schedule, in under 10 weeks, to create this race car, and we are looking forward to being a part of this racing event and making history with BUFORI, the first Malaysian sportscar to run at the Macau GT Cup” says Joe Lim, the BMS Team Principal and Managing Director of Bufori Sales & Marketing (BSM), the global Distributor of Bufori vehicles. “This race marks the beginning of a new era for BUFORI. With the BUFORI CS, the company is expanding its portfolio to purist, modern styled sports cars, with the usual uncompromised BUFORI quality.” he adds.

BUFORI is the first Malaysian manufacturer to participate at the Macau GT Grand Prix. The Guia Circuit of Macau is a street circuit with a combination of fast straights and tight corners. It is recognised as one of the most challenging and demanding circuits in the world.

EV-ITS Mobil Listrik dari Surabaya

Isu pemanasan global membuat berbagai pihak berlomba untuk menciptakan apapun yang ramah terhadap lingkungan. Seperti yang dilakukan 5 mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Elekto ITS membuat mobil ramah lingkungan. Mobil itu bernama EV-ITS I.

Cara kerjanya mobil berbahan bakar 40 baterai basah (accu) ini mampu menciptakan 500 kilovolt (KV) yang mampu mengubah arus bolak-balik menjadi arus listrik ini mampu menggerakkan motor listrik yang berkekuatan 5 kilo watt (KW) dan menggerakkan roda.

Kelima mahasiswa yang tergabung dalam tim laboratorium konversi energi jutusan Teknik Elektro yakni Bambang SK, Dedied CH, Era Purwanto, Arman Jaya, dan Purwadi AD.

Mobil yang mengandalkan tenaga dari baterai basah ini mempunyai banyak kendala dalam pengoperasiannya, diantaranya mesin yang cepat panas serta sempitnya ruang mengemudi.

"Seharusnya mobil ini mampu melaju hingga 60 km per jam. Tapi karena kita masih menggunakan gearbox mobil biasa menambah beban mobil sehingga hanya mampu melaju 20 km per jam," kata Prof Ir Soebagijo MSEE PhD salah satu dosen pembimbing kepada wartawan di Kampus ITS, Sukolilo.

Mobil yang menghabiskan dana hingga Rp 80 juta ini mempunyai keunggulan yaitu suara mesin yang halus. Rencana kedepan kata Soebagijo, pihaknya akan mengembangkan hasil penemuannya ini. Yakni dengan memperkecil 40 baterai menjadi 3 baterai.

"Kita nantinya juga akan mengganti sasis mobil serta mencari cara untuk memperluas ruang kemudi," tandasnya.

Iran to assemble 16,000 cars in Venezuela

The Iranian minister of industries and mines says Iran plans to produce 16,000 vehicles at its Venezuelan car plant in the coming year.

Ali-Akbar Mehrabian made the remarks after a meeting with Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicholas Maduro, and Science Minister Jesse Chacon, in Tehran.

The two allies opened a joint car plant in central Venezuela in 2006.

The Iran Khodro Company already exports the country's first all domestic vehicle, Samand, to several countries such as Venezuela, Turkey, Belarus, Russia, Syria and Tajikistan.

The Venezuelan delegation arrived in Tehran on Monday to work on the details in preparation for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's upcoming visit to Venezuela.

Mehrabian also said that his talks with the Venezuelan officials focused on cooperation in the fields of food industry, gas and oil sectors, agriculture, science and technology, as well as generating electricity.

Iran Khodro unveils national diesel engine

The Middle East's largest automaker, Iran Khodro Company (IKCO), has unveiled a new national diesel engine on Tuesday.

Iran Khodro unveiled the national diesel engine in a ceremony attended by the Minister of Industries and Mines Ali-Akbar Mehrabian.

The new lightweight 1.5-liter turbo-diesel uses advanced technology to deliver strong power and torque of 256Nm while improving on fuel economy.

Fuel consumption on the engine will be 5 liters per 100 kilometers in combined cycle.

“Iran has successfully produced light duty diesel engines to complete its fuel basket,” Mehrabian said.

“Iranian designer had previously designed and manufactured diesel engine for power plants with 1,000 steam horsepower and today they successfully made it for cars,” he added.

Iran spent 20 million dollars for the design and manufacturing of the engine and it's estimated to cost less than 1,000 dollars in mass production.

The striking engine has achieved emission standard of Euro 5, featuring a Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) as well as a new Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR).

Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) eliminates the diesel particulate matter or soot from the exhaust gas of a diesel engine. The Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) is a nitrogen oxide emissions reduction technique to lower exhaust emissions.


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2006 Kawasaki Ninja ZX6R/636 Customized

Vehicle Description The fastest 600 ever produced!2006 Kawasaki ZX6R; 636Low MileageNever CrashedVery Good to Excellent. (some boot scuffs from swinging leg over, some very light scuffs on lower belly, very hard to see...from being lowered)Some of the fancy upgrades: * Permanant 6" stretch; Thompsons Swingarms (best around) * Lowered * Erion Carbon Fiber Exhaust * Galfer Steel Braided Brake

IKCO unveils nanotech car

Iran’s first car equipped with nano technology built by Iran Khodro Industrial Group (IKCO) was showcased at nano festival from November 4 to 8.

Moj news agency quoted Hamidreza Taqavi Deputy Director of Strategy and Planning at IKCO stating that the new Samand Soren is equipped with nano technology, adding that nano composites are used in the dash board, engine parts, filters and lubrications.

He said that this improvement was made with the aim of enhancing domestic production, decreasing dependency on importing raw material, reducing the price of finished products, improving product quality, increasing customer satisfaction, pride and national self-realization in industry.

Taqavi noted that nano technology usage is increasing day by day in the automotive industry, pontig out that 60 percent of designing and production of light and heavy vehicles in the next 10 years will be influenced by nano technology.

Iran Khodro was founded 1962 and has become the largest vehicle manufacturer in the Middle East, Central Asia and North Africa.

In Iran it has an average share of 65 percent of domestic vehicle production.

By 2006 Iran Khodro was producing 550,000 vehicles (for the Iranian year 1384, starting on 21 March 2006)

Hydrogen vehicle

A hydrogen vehicle is a vehicle that uses hydrogen as its onboard fuel for motive power. The term may refer to a personal transportation vehicle, such as an automobile, or any other vehicle that uses hydrogen in a similar fashion, such as an aircraft. The power plants of such vehicles convert the chemical energy of hydrogen to mechanical energy (torque) in one of two methods: combustion, or electrochemical conversion in a fuel-cell:

* In hydrogen internal combustion engine vehicles, the hydrogen is combusted in engines in fundamentally the same method as traditional internal combustion engine vehicles.
* In fuel-cell conversion, the hydrogen is reacted with oxygen to produce water and electricity, the latter being used to power an electric traction motor.

Hydrogen fuel does not occur naturally on Earth and thus is not an energy source, but is an energy carrier. It can be made from a number of sources, currently it is most frequently made from methane or other fossil fuels. Hydrogen production via electrolysis of water is inefficient and expensive and is rarely used.

Many companies are working to develop technologies that can efficiently exploit the potential of hydrogen energy. Industri mobil amfibi China

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Indonesia sebenarnya sangat butuh mobil-mobil amfibi seperti ini. Untuk menyeberang ke ribuan pulau-pulau di Indonesia

2008 Honda CBR1000RR Picture

2008 Honda CBR1000RR Wallpaper

2008 Honda CBR1000RR
2008 Honda CBR1000RR: Modification Motorcycle

Honda CBR1000RR Fireblade 2008 Modification

Honda CBR1000RR Fireblade
Honda CBR1000RR Fireblade 2008. Modification Motorcycle

2007 Ducati Monster S2R800 Modify

Ducati Monster S2R800
2007 Ducati Monster S2R800 single arm and double exhaust. Motors in production for touring.

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