Nissan LEAF Start Production

Tokyo - Nissan finally began the process of mass production of electric cars Nissan LEAF in Japan this Friday, October 22, 2010. LEAF itself is an acronym for Leading Environmentally-friendly, Affordable Family (car). LEAF Nissan manufactured at Nissan's plant in Oppama, Japan. LEAF go on sale in Japan and the United States in December 2010. While the initial shipment for export to the United States in November. Resumed in December for the export of European destinations.

"This is an important milestone, not only for Nissan and Renault-Nissan Alliance, but also for the automotive industry as a whole," said Carlos Ghosn, CEO of Nissan.

Oppama factory has an annual production capacity of 50,000 units. LEAF Nissan will start production in Smyrna (USA) in late 2012 and early 2013 in Sunderland early.

Nissan LEAF is a pure electric cars and zero emission. Nissan, along with their alliance partner, Renault, ambitions to become a global leader in zero-emission mobility. For now, the Alliance has signed 80 partnerships for zero-emission mobility with the government, cities and companies around the world.

LEAF reach 260 Nm of torque just like a car or a V6 gasoline engine, 3,000 cc. With full energy condition, LEAF able to move up to 160 km. You just need 30 minutes to fill batereinya up to 80% on public stations. When at home with a voltage of 200-240 volts it would take 8 hours to charge the battery up to full. Nissan will also introduce some electric cars; e-LCV Nissan, Nissan LandGlider 2-seater, and EV Infiniti sedan.

Ghosn said the first year of production LEAF already sold. In Japan LEAF will go on sale in December 2010, Nissan's first U.S. LEAF will slide in late 2012 with the number of reservations have already reached 20,000 units in the U.S.. Britain would become the birthplace of LEAF in the following year 2013. Unfortunately Nissan has not intend to bring this car to Indonesia. The reason is very cliché, which is due to the electric car infrastructure in Indonesia is not yet available.

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